Friday, 10 January 2014

Elli Avram & indias obession with white skin

Hi everyone,

So today I am writing about a topic which makes me sick to my stomach.
If you haven't noticed already,  there is a new white girl in bollywood.
Her name is "Elli Avram"
Now you might be wondering who she is. So I will insert some pictures.
I have always wondered why bollywood would put white people in there movies and not indian girls who are more beautiful and can speak hindi so we can understand them.
Wanna know why?
Its because india has a sickening obession with white skin.
You can look through my older blog posts and see about fair n lovely.
Sadly its only getting worst and the white obession is getting overwhelming right now.

Back to the new gori in B-Town.
People are falling in love with her for her white skin. Just like they all did with katrina kaif but at least she is some part indian!
What elli is doing could be classed as culture appropriate!
She is dressing like an indian when she is a white person!
Isn't she just wearing indian clothing because they are pretty and she wants attention from indian guys?
She is a wannabe indian! Can't she just go back to where she came from and stop mocking indians by tanning her skin and dying her hair black! Aghhhhhhh! Isn't being white good enough for someone of what race so they want to go where they don't belong.
I bet some people would feel awkward when you see a white woman wearing a saree and bindi but your parents and ancestors were abused and attacked for wearing there own cultural clothing!
Anyone who promotes such acts should be ashamed!  Mostly salman khan for allowing white people to always use him to get into bollywood.

If she was an dark skinned indian girl no one would look twice.
But because she is white people are drooling.
Indians should be ashamed of themselves!
Casting out their own race for whites!
Guess they want white people ruling over india again.

I know some people will come here and defend her because of their mindset which is to bow to white skin. But I hope many wise people will read this and think twice.

Show some love to your dark skin brothers and sisters!
Forget this white obession.

Thanks for reading.