Saturday, 23 April 2016

Why are Indians anti-black?

Why Are Indians Anti-Black?

Today I am going to address this issue. Many people have always asked me this one simple question. "How are you with an Indian guy when Indians are racist?"
There isn't one simple way to explain this. But before I get to the conclusion, first of all you must begin to understand the mindset of "some" Indian people.

Not all Indians are racist people. But there is a huge handful of them, who will just hate you because you have dark skin. This is typical, not just with Indians, but with people who have been plagued with believing you have to have white skin to be beautiful, or you have to look European.

Many centuries have past, where the world was dominated by white people, and going on this judgement of mine, it makes me believe that some people's mindset is that "If you look white, you must be powerful" as the world was ruled by white people. They had all the control. They made us slaves, made us kill our own people and destroyed many lands and claimed them as their own.

Now if we take a look at the history of India. What do you remember?
"White people"
"Mass murders"

Yes, all of the above.
Now that all that is over, and India was basically ruined by the British.
I believe Indians now want to be like their former rules/ oppressors.
Most believe that being white means you will be successful in life. I wrote a blog on this subject a couple of years a go. India has a huge skin whitening industry. You are programmed to believe that you will NEVER achieve your dreams, if you do not have fair skin. Which is disgusting and wrong. The have the same type of marketing towards men too. They claim the cream isn't harmful to your skin, but it is harmful to any young persons mind.

Have you ever saw weddings in India?
Always wondered why Indian men always have the fairest woman as a bride?
As I stated earlier, if you are not fair skinned, you will not achieve your dreams. This also means marriage. It's bad enough most women are forced to marry a man they don't even know. But they also have to be fair skinned to please society so they get married. If this isn't terrible, then I don't know what is.

Don't worry, I'm getting to the point. 

In a society like this. Can you be really surprised at the anti blackness?
No, not really. But with the younger generation, you would think that everything would be changing for the better?

Black Culture Influence In India

Black culture is hugely influenced in India.
From the rap music they imitate. From the clothing they wear, trying to look like black American rappers. The way they act. The way some of them claim to have a black soul or were black in their past lives. From them wearing black hairstyles or preaching how much they love Bob Marley.
You would think some Indians would be more respectful towards black people who lives or even work in India. Or they would bring awareness to the treatment of black people.
Nope. Not at all. YOU can go to YouTube or google and find out how black people are treated in India. From being beaten so badly they put an African male in a-coma. From being accused of "eve-teasing" at the Metro in Delhi and being attacked by over 50 Indian people. Or recently, a black African female being stripped and raped.
Many blacks in India are bullied on a daily basis. From being called "Kala" "Kali" or monkey sounds being made towards them.

See the thing is, they LOVE or culture, but they do not love us. They love what we brought into this world. But not us. There are many Indians who respect black people and will make us feel welcomed. But there will always be that one Indian lady who would shake in fear of us getting too close to her.

To the point

Back to the title of this blog;Why are Indians anti-black?
I believe its just the mindset. They have been programmed(like many other races) to believe that black is ugly and black is evil. "You will never be successful being this dark"
Dark skin or black features are a taboo.
Even Indians with dark skin are treated badly. But not as badly as Indians treat black people...

I hope you have an insight on why I think this anti-blackness exists in India.
In no way shape or form, am I saying all Indians are racist and hate black people. But I, myself have faced LOTS of hatred from Indians just for being black.
As soon as Indians learn to love themselves, they will love others.

Erase your worship for white people and white skin and learn, we are all human. Skin colour doesn't define us. But being a racist will only show the true sprite of your soul and will only be giving your people a bad name.

The End